
Showing posts from July, 2017

How many miles will a 2004 Honda CR-V last, of it was maintained well and not driven hard?

I was given a 2004 Honda CR-V by an elderly woman. It has 225K miles and she was the only owner, with no accidents. Read more: How many miles will a 2004 Honda CR-V last, of it was maintained well and not driven hard?

Best dashboard/trim cleaner for aCRV honda?

Best dashboard/trim cleaner for aCRV honda? Read more: Best dashboard/trim cleaner for aCRV honda?

How do I remove this car stereo of mine in my 2013 Honda Fit

I want to replace it with a touch screen 2-DIN mp5 player… Read more: How do I remove this car stereo of mine in my 2013 Honda Fit

I was riding my 2010 Honda Rancher it just shut off lights and everything headlights won't turn on dash lights won't crank what is wrong?

I was riding my 2010 Honda Rancher it just shut off lights and everything headlights won't turn on dash lights won't crank what is wrong? Read more: I was riding my 2010 Honda Rancher it just shut off lights and everything headlights won't turn on dash lights won't crank what is wrong?

Is it true new Hondas don't require maintenance for first 100,000 miles?

Is it true new Hondas don't require maintenance for first 100,000 miles? Read more: Is it true new Hondas don't require maintenance for first 100,000 miles?

My Honda Element no longer sprays windshield wiper fluid?

I had the windshield replaced on my 2003 Honda Element. A week later after getting the car back from my parents I realized the front windshield doesn't spray fluid, even after filling the tank with wiper fluid. The back still works fine and the front wipers still work perfectly, but the fluid is not spraying. I've replaced the fuses and all of the hoses seem hooked up under the hood. Am I going to have to get the wiper pump replaced? Or is there something else that will probably need fixed? Read more: My Honda Element no longer sprays windshield wiper fluid?

How do I put the radio code for my Honda 2005 into what? I have code, don't know what to do with it

How do I put the radio code for my Honda 2005 into what? I have code, don't know what to do with it Read more: How do I put the radio code for my Honda 2005 into what? I have code, don't know what to do with it

Can a control arm be replaced without a new ball joint?

I had some suspension work done for a 98 Honda Cr-v about nine months ago. The exact date on the repair was 10/27/16. It was only a few weeks before that I had new tires installed. The repair included lower ball joint replacement on both sides, the upper control arms on both sides as well, sway bar links, and new brake pads as well. After the repair I still had some shaking on the steering wheel but it wasn't as noticeable because of the new tires I'm assuming. Now, the shaking is more frequent and I have a clunking noise. I have a 3yr. Warranty for this repair. I don't know much about cars but I did some research and it doesn't make sense how they could replace the control arms without a ball joint when most of them come with that included. Also, I noticed that ball joints come with some sort of pin and mine are rusted so it makes me doubt that any control arms were changed and one of them has a weird bent where that ball joint goes. Plus, another mechanic told me that...

Loose chain sound in my car at the start when AC is on

When my AC is not on, the sound of my 2013 Honda CRV is okay. Only when the AC is turned on that I hear a seemingly "loose motorcycle/bicycle chain" AT THE START when I press the gas pedal. Afterwards, I can't hear anymore and everything is fine. When the AC is off, there's no sound like that even if I speed off immediately. What is the problem?:( Read more: Loose chain sound in my car at the start when AC is on

Dirt bike clutch not fully disengaging after service?

Just gotten my Honda CRF150RB serviced. On the first ride since then, I noticed the clutch wasn t disengaging all the way. I couldn t bump start the bike, and unless the bike was warm, and I was quick to take off, the bike stalled every time I put it in first. Looked down at the side of the bike (You can see the cable, and how much it's pulling) and it was only pulling about half of the way. Had a play around with the free play, and simple things like that, but none of it worked. I could make the problem worse, and perhaps a little better, but I definitely couldn t fix it. Help Read more: Dirt bike clutch not fully disengaging after service?

What kind of job would I need to afford a new Honda civic?

I want a Honda civic someday. I have a Chevy aveo. Read more: What kind of job would I need to afford a new Honda civic?

I have a Honda GSV 190 mower engine with a broken starter rope and stud stuck in starter that I can't remove. Any ideas would be great

When removing the nuts holding the recoil starter in place the nut on the front of the starter is stuck. When I try to remove it the whole stud come out of the engine. Leaving the engine cover stuck to the starter preventing me from replacing the rope. I have tried everything I can think of to remove it with no luck. Heres what it looks like. Read more: I have a Honda GSV 190 mower engine with a broken starter rope and stud stuck in starter that I can't remove. Any ideas would be great

Are 300cc sport bikes faster than your average car? As an example, Honda civic and Toyota Corolla vs ninja 300 and yamaha r3

I've heard that small displacement sport bikes are faster than your average car, and was wondering if it was true. By faster I mean faster acceleration, highway passing, and cornering. Read more: Are 300cc sport bikes faster than your average car? As an example, Honda civic and Toyota Corolla vs ninja 300 and yamaha r3

Give details of how a Honda magna vf1100 1984, rear master cylinder is assembled?

Give details of how a Honda magna vf1100 1984, rear master cylinder is assembled? Read more: Give details of how a Honda magna vf1100 1984, rear master cylinder is assembled?

2001 honda civic how can you clean interior headlite plastic it is hazy?

2001 honda civic how can you clean interior headlite plastic it is hazy? Read more: 2001 honda civic how can you clean interior headlite plastic it is hazy?

We need to know how fast does the starter spin on a 02 honda goldwing 1800?

We need to know how fast does the starter spin on a 02 honda goldwing 1800? Added (1). even if its hooked up to my truck? It still is slow. We also put a charger along with my truck and same results Read more: We need to know how fast does the starter spin on a 02 honda goldwing 1800?

I have a 2007 Honda Accord and need to reset my radio. There's a code but I haven't a clue how to get it?

I have a 2007 Honda Accord and need to reset my radio. There's a code but I haven't a clue how to get it? - 1 Added (1). Thank you for any advice Read more: I have a 2007 Honda Accord and need to reset my radio. There's a code but I haven't a clue how to get it?

2002 honda civic lx coolant spraying out of radiator cap?

Brought to midas they replaced every part that would cause overheating. Told them about this but fixed fan and coolant fan part, but didn't fix this problem. Any ideas why its spraying out? Read more: 2002 honda civic lx coolant spraying out of radiator cap?

When will the whole new Nissan Altima come out?

When you look at the timeline, I think the 6th generation of the Altima will come out for 2018 or 2019 model but if the Altima 2018 is the new one, they have to compete with the whole new 2018 Honda Accord. So I guess it will be next year? Read more: When will the whole new Nissan Altima come out?

Is it hard to pull out the engine from a Honda Civic and take it to your apartment if you are an ordinary person?

Hi. I want to overhaul my Hoda Civic's engine. But I don't know how heavy it is going to be. I don't have a garage. I live in an apartment. Is it hard to pull it out and took it to the elevator and then to my suit to do all the work? Will it be too heavy? I'm 5-7 and 140 lbs. Read more: Is it hard to pull out the engine from a Honda Civic and take it to your apartment if you are an ordinary person?

Honda crx vs mazda miata?

I'm looking for a first car. I'm trying to chose between a first gen crx and a na mazda miata. A late 80s accord would also be an option. What would you recommend? Read more: Honda crx vs mazda miata?

Who thinks Mitsubishi will flop as a automaker returning the Eclipse as an SUV than the iconic Sports coupe?

been a fan of the Mitsubishi eclipse since a little kid, and discontinued it in 2012. And i think they killed their company right then and their. Now after a 6 year hiatus they're bringing it back as an SUV. Which i think will flop because we have enough SUVS in the North American Automobile market like Toyota chv, Honda CRV etc. who else agrees? Read more: Who thinks Mitsubishi will flop as a automaker returning the Eclipse as an SUV than the iconic Sports coupe?

99 Honda Prelude crankshaft bult extremely hard to get off. Any suggestions?

I have a 99 Honda prelude and believe my crankshaft position sensor went out and so I'm trying to change it out, but in order to do that I have to first remove the crankshaft pulley which is held on by a single bult. I've soaked it in PB blaster for over a week, can't get it off with a breaker bar, a cordless impact, just all around pure strength. And it does supposed to twist counterclockwise to remove. I'm stuck at this point. Any suggestions? Read more: 99 Honda Prelude crankshaft bult extremely hard to get off. Any suggestions?

Which gas should I use?

I just bought a brand new 2017 Honda Accord sport. Should I use regular or premium gas? Can some tell me what regular plus gas is and if I should use it or not Read more: Which gas should I use?

How much does a new 2017 Honda civic cost with a AT lx model?

How much does a new 2017 Honda civic cost with a AT lx model? Read more: How much does a new 2017 Honda civic cost with a AT lx model?

Honda VTX1300-Is this a real reliable machine? At what mileage should I unload or sell it?

Honda VTX1300-Is this a real reliable machine? At what mileage should I unload or sell it? Read more: Honda VTX1300-Is this a real reliable machine? At what mileage should I unload or sell it?

Help me figure out why my car is smoking so much?

I have a 99 honda civic 4 cylinder maunel and my exhaust keeps smoking a lot. I changed my head gasket, did a tune up and oil change and it still smokes just a little less smoke but it smokes. Someone told me it could be the oil rings but i just need more help on this. Any suggestions on what to check out for that? Read more: Help me figure out why my car is smoking so much?

2000 Honda CRV Temperature Gauge Rises at Idle?

When my Mom comes to a stop sign on a hill near our house, the temperature gauge shoots up into H. If she turns the heater on the gauge drops back down to about halfway. We replaced the thermostat yesterday and added coolant to both the radiator and overflow. She drove the car today and stopped at the same Stop sign. Temperature is still shooting up. Checked overflow and radiator. Both still have adequate coolant. Need help determining cause of temperature issue. It only happens when the car is sitting at idle on a hill. Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. We want to avoid seeing an mechanic. Thanks in advance! Read more: 2000 Honda CRV Temperature Gauge Rises at Idle?

How to remove a 95 honda accord lx alarm system?

Hi, i'm currently buying an automatic 95 honda accord lx and the alarm seems to be draining the battery, i'm interested in just disconnecting the alarm, not arming a new one in hopes that it no longer drains the battery. As for the alarm, i have a feeling its an after market one considering there's no honda symbol on it and only has an a, and a, d on it. I removed the sub dash in hopes of seeing the device in an obvious spot i didn't really have the time to look deep under the dash or anything so i didn't see any obvious box, as far as having an ignition kill switch there's a button undering the steering wheel slightly under the dash i'm guessing thats what it is, not exactly sure. I've watched a good bit of videos on it, couldnt find this exact model. So bottom line i just want to know if i'm doing the correct thing or if i should look under the hood? I still have to pick the car up and bring it home, i also don't have enough info on the alarm s...

My Honda CR-V has nails in the tires, can I get a refund?

Two tires have nails in them and losing air fast. Read more: My Honda CR-V has nails in the tires, can I get a refund?

Are 04 Honda VTX1300 motorcycles known for breakng down and causing wrecks?

Are 04 Honda VTX1300 motorcycles known for breakng down and causing wrecks? Read more: Are 04 Honda VTX1300 motorcycles known for breakng down and causing wrecks?

How many years from the year the motorcycle was built should you hold onto it before the parts become too expensive

For example I was interested in buying a 2006 Honda CBR600f4i until I looked up the price of the fairing pieces. Just a small piece of the fairing was over $600. Of course they charge that price because they want you to buy a new motorcycle. Read more: How many years from the year the motorcycle was built should you hold onto it before the parts become too expensive

8th Gen Civic Owners

This weekend, i'm going to be looking at a 2007 Civic Coupe LX with 175k miles. It is a manual transmission. The asking price is 3500 but i'm going to try to talk him down to 3200. Should I buy it if everything looks good? Originally I wanted a Civic from the year of 96-2000 because the motors are so cheap. Keeping in mind, if i purchase this 07 Civic, I plan on keeping it for a long time. My question is, should I get it and what are things to look for when I go check it out and what type of maintenance will it require? I know that they have timing chains so some of my worries went away. Lastly, are they reliable cars? I know Honda has a great rep for going past 250k miles but I was just wondering how good 8th gens are. Thanks! Read more: 8th Gen Civic Owners

What is wrong with my honda pliot when i step on the brakes they make a hell of noise?

What is wrong with my honda pliot when i step on the brakes they make a hell of noise? Read more: What is wrong with my honda pliot when i step on the brakes they make a hell of noise?

My honda activa 3g is making these noises.I had got my scooty in potholes lately?

Ok so recently in 2 weeks when riding my scooty during night I bumped my scooter in potholes almost like 4 times and since then (as far as I can remember it is since then) when I start my scooty in the morning and accelerate it,it shudders and makes noises.Every single time I start my bike it makes this noise. This scooty was brought second hand which the 1st owner had purchased in September last year and I've had it only since May this year and i'm really scared having to cough up money if repair is needed. Please help and we know if repair is needed or not Read more: My honda activa 3g is making these noises.I had got my scooty in potholes lately?

I'm moving about 60 miles south and currently I have a 2014 Honda Insight and was wondering if it was ok to pull a U-Haul trailer with it?

I'm moving about 60 miles south and currently I have a 2014 Honda Insight and was wondering if it was ok to pull a U-Haul trailer with it? Read more: I'm moving about 60 miles south and currently I have a 2014 Honda Insight and was wondering if it was ok to pull a U-Haul trailer with it?

Can I use this oil for my xr200?

I need to do an oil change for my Honda xr200 (dirt bike) would castrol GTX 20w~50 work? Read more: Can I use this oil for my xr200?

Why should someone living in section 8 drive a brand new Mercedes Benz SUV?

some people do not qualify for government assistance and drive a 2009 Honda civic and work 2 jobs. The one driving the Benz said she has no insurance and now she wants the city to buy her a new car since her vehicle got damaged by flood. Why should taxpayers pay for her and also for her to buy a new luxury suv? Read more: Why should someone living in section 8 drive a brand new Mercedes Benz SUV?

Just bought a 2001 v6 honda accord, no manuals yet, is there a code that needs to be put in to have the stereo gear to work?

Just bought a 2001 v6 honda accord, no manuals yet, is there a code that needs to be put in to have the stereo gear to work? Read more: Just bought a 2001 v6 honda accord, no manuals yet, is there a code that needs to be put in to have the stereo gear to work?

Dirt Bike won't start!

Bought a 1984 Honda xr200 yesterday, when buying it the guy started it and I test rode it and it was running fine. Brought it home in the back of my truck and accidentally left the gas on. I filled it up with straight gas (I think 4 strokes take straight not mixed) and when I tried to kick start it, it wouldn't start… Please help Read more: Dirt Bike won't start!

Which Japanese car do you like most: Toyota, Honda, Subaru or Mazda?

Which Japanese car do you like most: Toyota, Honda, Subaru or Mazda? - 1 Read more: Which Japanese car do you like most: Toyota, Honda, Subaru or Mazda?

Where can I find a Slip on Exhaust for my 1985 Honda Interceptor without breaking the Bank?

On the highway my Yoshimura exhuast fell off my bike but i was already in 5th Gear so i didn't notice. Don't ask me how. But it was gone when i retraced my steps, i can Only imagine that someone picked it up, but now i need a new one and I Definitly need a replacement as fast as i can. Where would be a good place to start? Read more: Where can I find a Slip on Exhaust for my 1985 Honda Interceptor without breaking the Bank?

I bought a 91 Honda Civic sedan ex with a swap in it. Starter went out. Do I buy starter for the new engine or order for the car model I hav?

I bought a 91 Honda Civic sedan ex with a swap in it. Starter went out. Do I buy starter for the new engine or order for the car model I hav? - 1 Read more: I bought a 91 Honda Civic sedan ex with a swap in it. Starter went out. Do I buy starter for the new engine or order for the car model I hav?

2002 Honda Accord brake lines have oil in them?

I have a 2002 Honda Accord. I took it in to get serviced and the tech said that someone had dumped oil into the master cylinder, which had "solidified" the brake lines. We towed the car home and bought a new master cylinder, proportioning valve, brake lines and wheel cylinders (for the back.) after disassembling the master cylinder and proportion valve, we took the brake hoses off of the front wheels. I cut one open to see the damage. The result? They were spotless. No corrosion, no deposits, and the line was flexible and good. However, the brake system is unable to bleed. Do you think there's a clog somewhere under the car in the metal brake lines? Read more: 2002 Honda Accord brake lines have oil in them?

Car won't start 1995 honda accord?

My mom bought a 95 honda accord off craigslist he said nothing was wrong with it… She test drived it and it drove good but we noticed a sweet smell in the car but wasnt sure if it was coolent. Anyway about a week later we noticed it started to get harder to turn the car on like it would take longer… Then the tempature would start going high but not on red but almost… About another week later it didn't start so we got a mechanic he said it was the gasket and when he was fixing that. He said the starter was bad too so we changed that also he did it for free. After he was done he turned it on and looked like it was fixed and he left. Very next morning we were going to go to the store but then the same thing happened didn't turn on… It sounds like it wants to but doesn't do that extra push to tun on. Any ideas what it could be now? Read more: Car won't start 1995 honda accord?

Did you know that Honda CR-V tires never wear out?

Its true. Read more: Did you know that Honda CR-V tires never wear out?

Keisuke Honda is in liga mx with pachuca?

This news is pretty much almost a week old, anyways this is a big move for my favorite league, that one of my fav players from the 2010 World Cup is in mexico, I know Fernando Torres and ever banega were close to coming to liga mx and rejected the move, but this move makes up for it. I hope he scores a lot and assists a lot Read more: Keisuke Honda is in liga mx with pachuca?

Is it true that Honda CR-V gets the lowest traffic tickets?

I heard cops don't notice CR-V that much cause they pay attention to flashier cars. Read more: Is it true that Honda CR-V gets the lowest traffic tickets?

Should I buy the car?

So there's a 2008 Honda accord for $400 which is cheap but I have an uneasy feeling it has 160,000 miles and needs a head gasket replacement I don't know much about cars and I'm not sure what to do. Read more: Should I buy the car?

Is the 2008 Honda CBR600RR super sport motorcycle operating in the United States of America a BR, IIBR Type or not a BR, IIBR T?

ype? The 2008 Honda CBR600RR super sport motorcycle I'm asking about was made in Japan. Read more: Is the 2008 Honda CBR600RR super sport motorcycle operating in the United States of America a BR, IIBR Type or not a BR, IIBR T?

Need help getting a scratch out of my glove box door?

2012 Honda civic has a big scratch in the vinyl glove box door. My co worker must have had something on the side of his backpack that dug into it unintentionally. Read more: Need help getting a scratch out of my glove box door?

Why is Acura such a copycat?

They copied Honda's NSX and named the car NSX too. What a shame. Read more: Why is Acura such a copycat?

If I mostly want to ride for recreational use and not competition whatsoever mostly trail ride, what should I get a Honda crf 250r or 250x?

If I mostly want to ride for recreational use and not competition whatsoever mostly trail ride, what should I get a Honda crf 250r or 250x? Read more: If I mostly want to ride for recreational use and not competition whatsoever mostly trail ride, what should I get a Honda crf 250r or 250x?

In the 2014 Honda Civic Si Coupe, does the rear spoiler decrease visibility looking back through the rear windshield?

In the 2014 Honda Civic Si Coupe, does the rear spoiler decrease visibility looking back through the rear windshield? Read more: In the 2014 Honda Civic Si Coupe, does the rear spoiler decrease visibility looking back through the rear windshield?

Why does my car shake?

Timming belt was changed but had a oil leake after that. (Didn't have one before). I put oil in the car because I assumed it was low and right after I put Arco gas in it(was running on empty). Right after doing this the car started to shake and felt like it was going to turn off. Check engine light began to blink, battery light would kinda light up. I would reive the engine and it would be fine. This happens only when I have the car at a stop or light. It's a Honda Civic 2004. Read more: Why does my car shake?

Valve cover spitting lots of oil out?

I have a Honda Civic 1997 that I recently put a head on and upon starting it a bunch of oils spit out of the right side corner of the valve cover. Does anyone know what this Can be? Read more: Valve cover spitting lots of oil out?

When do you think they will stop selling 2017 Honda civic si's?

okay so I'm trying to get a 2017 si by at least December or January. Because my grandpa told me if I save up a good enough down payment he will let me cosign with him. The problem is that I read online and they're are only about 2000 of them in this country (usa). I have no idea if that is true or not but I have talked to a couple of Honda salesmen and they have told me that they are limited, they also told me when I do have my money to tell them and they will look at all of the si's in this country to find the one I want(if they don't have It in their lot) if they can't find one then they will order one from Honda factory or where ever they order them from. I'm just afraid when I do go to them they'll be like "oh I'm sorry they are all sold out." and of course the one I want is the most popular one which is the 4 door black one or 4 door red one. My dream car has always been a civic si. Ever since sophomore year of highschool i've always w...

What impact does a rebuilt transmission and a new catalytic coverter have on car resale value?

I have a 2000 Honda CRV with 195,000 miles that is in impeccable condition mechanically and cosmetically, with these recent repairs how much could i hike up the price for if i really wanted to sell it Read more: What impact does a rebuilt transmission and a new catalytic coverter have on car resale value?

How can I negotiate a 2 year old car model?

I'm in the market to buy a new car but I saw the new 2018 Honda Fit are out. I also saw the dealership had a 2016 Honda Fit LX, it is priced at 16k. If a new 2018 Honda Fit with Honda sensing standard starts at 16k, how much should I even get a 2016 base model with no Honda sensing? I know 16k for a 2 year old Model is crazy but what's the lowest can I negotiate for? 10k? 12k? Read more: How can I negotiate a 2 year old car model?

Both of my key fobs have stopped working in my 2002 Honda Odyssey. Can I fix it?

Both of my key fobs have stopped working in my 2002 Honda Odyssey. Can I fix it? Read more: Both of my key fobs have stopped working in my 2002 Honda Odyssey. Can I fix it?

Why Honda civic considers one of the most hated car brand in the world?

it is affordable and very reliable. Why so much hate on it? Added (1). @The Freak Show, you sure must be living under a rock. Honda Civic driver has been call the infamous the derogatory term, ricer. Read more: Why Honda civic considers one of the most hated car brand in the world?

Cop pulls me over to tell me my new Honda CR-V is a nice car?

Isn't this a gross abuse of their power? Read more: Cop pulls me over to tell me my new Honda CR-V is a nice car?

Can i use a 2004 Honda Civic AC compressor on a 2008 Honda Civic?

Can i use a 2004 Honda Civic AC compressor on a 2008 Honda Civic? Read more: Can i use a 2004 Honda Civic AC compressor on a 2008 Honda Civic?

Honda Accord or Toyota Camry? Prob mostly for reliability and durability

Honda Accord or Toyota Camry? Prob mostly for reliability and durability Read more: Honda Accord or Toyota Camry? Prob mostly for reliability and durability

Bought a car leased. After driving it around I do not like it. Would I lose a lot of money? Details below?

Got Honda CRV about market price. However, also got a long term loan with extended warranty. Assuming I trade it back in a month later after I got it would I lose money in the warranty and trade down value? Thank you! Read more: Bought a car leased. After driving it around I do not like it. Would I lose a lot of money? Details below?

Difference between honda accord 2006 & 2005?

Difference between honda accord 2006 & 2005? Read more: Difference between honda accord 2006 & 2005?

What color should I paint my Honda CR-V to increase value?

What color should I paint my Honda CR-V to increase value? Read more: What color should I paint my Honda CR-V to increase value?

White smoke coming from engine?

Hi, I'm a very experienced mechanic, I just want some second thoughts on this. One of my project cars is a 79' cvcc honda accord. I just got the engine to turnover today, but there's… A looot of white smoke. But it usually dissappears after a while, unless you rev the engine, and the engine is also very noisy when idle, or in nuetral, but when shifted into first, it all goes away, (yes it is coming from the engine.) The smoke is a very white colour, I wouldnt say very blue… It has been cranked on ether before I know, the guy I bought it from did that, a lot. What do you guys think? I'm thinking there's too much gunk under the valve cover and the oil is fallin into the combustion chamber… The oil is a good bit darker, like a half yellow half brownish gray translucent colour. I'm just hoping I don't have to rebuild down to the head gasket. Read more: White smoke coming from engine?

Is my 1991 Honda Civic ex sedan considered a ef?

Is my 1991 Honda Civic ex sedan considered a ef? Read more: Is my 1991 Honda Civic ex sedan considered a ef?

Do you think Honda will ever give CR-V a V6 engine?

Or do you think I4 184hp is plenty enough? Read more: Do you think Honda will ever give CR-V a V6 engine?

About how much should it or would it cost me to get the chrome trim of my car windows painted black? Matte black i would take it to a shop?

Northern VA 2017 Honda civic hatchback EX model sport model is already black EX model it comes chrome Read more: About how much should it or would it cost me to get the chrome trim of my car windows painted black? Matte black i would take it to a shop?

Is $299 for lease on 2017 Honda CR-V LX a great deal?

36 months $3500 total drive off 12k miles per year Read more: Is $299 for lease on 2017 Honda CR-V LX a great deal?

Do you like the look of the all-new 2018 Honda Accord?

Do you like the look of the all-new 2018 Honda Accord? Read more: Do you like the look of the all-new 2018 Honda Accord?

I want to buy a 2001 honda reflex scooter for 2400$$ It has 229,394 miles on it is that lot for a scooter please let me know

I want to buy a 2001 honda reflex scooter for 2400$$ It has 229,394 miles on it is that lot for a scooter please let me know Read more: I want to buy a 2001 honda reflex scooter for 2400$$ It has 229,394 miles on it is that lot for a scooter please let me know

I have a 2006 Honda Civic I lost the master key. How can I program a key i bought if my alarm turns on?

I have a 2006 Honda Civic I lost the master key. How can I program a key i bought if my alarm turns on? Read more: I have a 2006 Honda Civic I lost the master key. How can I program a key i bought if my alarm turns on?

What car is more reliable: prius or honda?

What car is more reliable: prius or honda? Read more: What car is more reliable: prius or honda?

What would be the best motorcycle for a beginner?

I'm about to get my license and a motorcycle, but I wanted to know, what would be the best bike for me. I wanted something that looks nice, and can do around 60-80 MPH or so. I was thinking of getting a Honda Grom, because I heard it wasn't too fast. Any recommendations? Thanks peeps. Read more: What would be the best motorcycle for a beginner?

What causes high rolling resistance in a car?

My Infiniti FX35 seems to have high rolling resistance. By which I mean it loses speed and momentum very quickly as soon as you let off the throttle. Even when going downhill I find myself needing to press the accelerator or else the car loses momentum very quickly. My brother's 2012 Honda Accord behaves in a very different fashion, as the second you let off the brake the car rolls at like 5-10 mph without even touching the gas. Once I'm up to speed I only need a very small application on the accelerator to maintain that speed. If anything I need to apply the brakes significantly more in that car as the speed can sometimes increase significantly on slight downhill slopes even without any input on the accelerator. The two cars behave very differently in this aspect. What causes high rolling resistance? Read more: What causes high rolling resistance in a car?

Will it be okay if I change the wheels on my 2014 Honda Accord LX with some wheels from a similar year Honda Accord Sport?

So I would like to get some OEM Honda Accord sport wheels on my LX but will I be able to just simply switch them? As far as I'm concerned they should but should I worry that the sport Tire is 1.5" larger in width and the rim is 2" larger? Read more: Will it be okay if I change the wheels on my 2014 Honda Accord LX with some wheels from a similar year Honda Accord Sport?

1998 Honda Passport 4x4 4L30E auto. Tranny went out only had reverse. Had it rebuilt, same thing. Took it back now it has reverse and 2nd?

Of course they want more $$ to pull the tranny. Can't they use a special code reader because it's an electronic tranny. I think it's more likely a communication problem between the tranny and the cars main computer. Need some advice.nthanks Denene Read more: 1998 Honda Passport 4x4 4L30E auto. Tranny went out only had reverse. Had it rebuilt, same thing. Took it back now it has reverse and 2nd?

What year Honda's had recalls?

What year Honda's had recalls? Read more: What year Honda's had recalls?

Bigass turbo in a honda?

Does it worth it? Read more: Bigass turbo in a honda?

Are the Honda Ridgeline and Chevy Avalanche the exact same size truck? Same size bed?

Are the Honda Ridgeline and Chevy Avalanche the exact same size truck? Same size bed? Read more: Are the Honda Ridgeline and Chevy Avalanche the exact same size truck? Same size bed?

What happens when two cars collide with each other head on the downhill of the road?

the first car model is 2009 Honda Odyssey L The second car model is 2007 Holden Captiva CX V6 The car 2009 lost their control during going down the hill and hit the car 2007 what happen after that. I'm stuck with it can you please give me some information about it or at least give me some website about Read more: What happens when two cars collide with each other head on the downhill of the road?

Is 30k enough to modify a 1992 honda civic ex? I already own the car but its very old needs lot of work done

Is 30k enough to modify a 1992 honda civic ex? I already own the car but its very old needs lot of work done Read more: Is 30k enough to modify a 1992 honda civic ex? I already own the car but its very old needs lot of work done

Is Honda CR-V the most reliable SUV of all time?

I still see lots of 1997-1998 CR-Vs on the road. Best ever? Read more: Is Honda CR-V the most reliable SUV of all time?

90s Toyota rav4 vs Honda crv?

I'm looking for a casual off road vehicle, with decent gas mileage. Preferably 4 cylinder, and around $2000, which is why I'm not considering Jeep. I'm leaning towards a Rav4, is there a reason to consider something else? Read more: 90s Toyota rav4 vs Honda crv?

Does a 2001 Honda S2000 have a starter relay?

Does a 2001 Honda S2000 have a starter relay? Read more: Does a 2001 Honda S2000 have a starter relay?

Will a 95 Honda Civic engine 1.8 fit in a 2000 Honda Civic?

Doing an engine swap for my car, the engine went bad so I'm taking it out and about to buy a 1.8 engine from a 95 civic, do you guys know if I can have it fit right in my 2000 civic ex or will I have to change some things? I also live in California Read more: Will a 95 Honda Civic engine 1.8 fit in a 2000 Honda Civic?

I just bought a 2017 Honda CR-V. Would you buy extended warranty?

7 year/100,000 mile warranty for $999. Would you buy it? Read more: I just bought a 2017 Honda CR-V. Would you buy extended warranty?

What can I expect from a full service by a mechanic (Dirt Bike)?

Just out of interest, what should I expect a licenced mechanic to do in a full service to a dirt bike? Bike: 2013 Honda CRF150RB 4 stroke If you're creepy and have taken your bike to the same place as me before: I took it to RPM motorcycle Services. What I'm hoping they'll do: Apart from things like the filters, oil levels, lubricants, etc. I'm hoping they'll get round to making sure the valves are right. Maybe it's just in my head, but I reckon the bike's lost a bit of power since I first got it. Time since last service: 20-35 hours (I know, It's overdue) Not expecting them to do this, but hey: Jetting? Jee, this is getting way too long Thank's in advance for any answers! -Harper Read more: What can I expect from a full service by a mechanic (Dirt Bike)?

Would you buy a used Honda Civic that had no maintenance done?

Has 100,000 miles. Only things done were synthetic oil/filter change and air and cabin filters. Spark plugs, ATF, brake fluid, etc never done. Has timing chain. Would you still buy it or would it have problems due to no maintenance being done? Read more: Would you buy a used Honda Civic that had no maintenance done?

My family says that I need a new car because my current car is old and beat up

I currently drive and have been driving a used 2004 Honda Accord for five years now. I have only needed it to be repaired six times. My family thinks I need a new car as soon as possible, but my car is enough for what I do. I myself have also been thinking about a new car, but I'm not a car person. I'm thinking 30k and under would be a good price range for a new car. Any suggestions? Read more: My family says that I need a new car because my current car is old and beat up

I have a 1992 honda civic ex the last time it was used/driven was on2007. Very old car but how much money should i save-to modify everything?

I have a 1992 honda civic ex the last time it was used/driven was on2007. Very old car but how much money should i save-to modify everything? Read more: I have a 1992 honda civic ex the last time it was used/driven was on2007. Very old car but how much money should i save-to modify everything?

My honda frv 2.2 crd 2006 model is losing power occasionally. Seems to be a fuel supply issue. Any ideas?

My honda frv 2.2 crd 2006 model is losing power occasionally. Seems to be a fuel supply issue. Any ideas? Read more: My honda frv 2.2 crd 2006 model is losing power occasionally. Seems to be a fuel supply issue. Any ideas?

Instructions on how to replace side mirror on 2008 Honda Accord?

Instructions on how to replace side mirror on 2008 Honda Accord? Read more: Instructions on how to replace side mirror on 2008 Honda Accord?

Do leasing companies check your mileage every year or just st the end of the lease term?

I was thinking about leasing a new Honda, but they only want to give me 12,000 miles per year. Is that the kind of thing they check every year or can I get away with driving more one year, as long as I keep my mileage low the next year? Read more: Do leasing companies check your mileage every year or just st the end of the lease term?

Is there any way to silence those stupid warning chimes for my 2013 Honda Civic?

Is there any way to silence those stupid warning chimes for my 2013 Honda Civic? Added (1). I don't need them to start chiming when I open my door or when I take off my seatbelt as I'm pulling into my driveway. There doesn't appear to be a breaker specifically dedicated to them. Would a sound shop know a way (like cutting a wire)? Thank you. Read more: Is there any way to silence those stupid warning chimes for my 2013 Honda Civic?

Can you fit 11 people in a Honda CR-V? - 1

And will it still get 43 mpg? Read more: Can you fit 11 people in a Honda CR-V? - 1

Which car is better?

Toyota Camry Honda Accord Toyota seems #1 in safety but all my friends seem to like Honda. Is Honda just more "stylish" or is it actually more reliable? Also debating Honda HRV or Toyota CHR (new models). Read more: Which car is better?

How long will a 2008 Honda Accord last me?

It's my mom s and I've been driving it a few years, it's currently worth $5,000 so I'm debating buying it from her. She s saying I should just get a new one now so it ll last me a lot longer, which I do agree with, but she s saying the Honda will break down "any day now" so I'm wondering how dramatic she s being… It's 2008, shows no problems except the ac doesn't work too well, I believe 18 MPG, and it has 115,000 miles. She doesn't believe it will last even another year, at most two years, so I'm coming here to ask how accurate her statement is… (I use it for driving to work and school. I don't have a life besides that…) Read more: How long will a 2008 Honda Accord last me?

Good first motorcycle?

I'm looking to get my first motorcycle. I took and passed the MSF course, riding the Suzuki TU250X. Before the class, I had never sat on a motorcycle, so almost no experience. I'm looking for 70's/80's UJM. I like the look of the Honda Nighthawks or the Suzuki CB's, but I'm open to whatever. I'm 6' 3" 235lbs 36" inseam so I want something I can comfortably ride and not look like a bear on a unicycle. Obviously, I want decent reliability (although I realize anything that old will have problems), but I have no problem adjusting valves, cleaning carbs, etc. It would be a commuter first and a toy on weekends. I live in the middle of nowhere, so my commute in 1/2 hour on empty highways. What makes/models would be best in your opinion? What engine size? Anything to avoid? Added (1). I'm not dead set against cruisers, but I prefer a sportier look. Added (2). Suzuki GS not CB Read more: Good first motorcycle?

What is a good mileage to look for in a Honda Civic, Scion xB, and Toyota Prius to be used for a few years without too many problems?

I'm looking at the above mentioned cars to be used for 1-3 years, but I do not know the mileage to look for. I d like to know the milage lifetime for each car mentioned, and approximately at how many miles the car will survive without having consistent problems. If you could give me the answer for each kind of car, or even one of them it would be greatly appreciated. Read more: What is a good mileage to look for in a Honda Civic, Scion xB, and Toyota Prius to be used for a few years without too many problems?

What is the price range for a decent 1986 honda cb450 nighthawk?

Looking for an older Nighthawk but I know nothing when it comes to pricing, found one that needs the gas tank cleaned and lined for $900, and not sure if good or bad deal. Read more: What is the price range for a decent 1986 honda cb450 nighthawk?

Does opening the 2008 Honda Civic Coupe's moonroof make the roof easier to leak water from the outside to the inside of the car?

Does opening the 2008 Honda Civic Coupe's moonroof make the roof easier to leak water from the outside to the inside of the car? Read more: Does opening the 2008 Honda Civic Coupe's moonroof make the roof easier to leak water from the outside to the inside of the car?

What is the body of my new Honda Civic made from?

What is the body of my new Honda Civic made from? Read more: What is the body of my new Honda Civic made from?

As soon I turn on Honda pilot stays idle Ling on 4000 rpm what is the issue?

As soon I turn on Honda pilot stays idle Ling on 4000 rpm what is the issue? Read more: As soon I turn on Honda pilot stays idle Ling on 4000 rpm what is the issue?

Put used transmission in on 04 Honda pilot now it won't go in to any gears what can be the problem?

Put used transmission in on 04 Honda pilot now it won't go in to any gears what can be the problem? Read more: Put used transmission in on 04 Honda pilot now it won't go in to any gears what can be the problem?

2017 Honda Civic or 2017 Subaru Outback?

So my 2010 Chevy Malibu will be paid off by next fall and I was thinking of getting a newer car with better gas. I would like the Outback for its safety features plus its ability to go off roads, but the Civic has nice gas, but so does the Outback. My current car gets 25-27 mpg on the high way, and I do a lot of driving! I drive 30 minutes daily to school, 15-20 minutes for work and I drive out of state once in awhile. I just wanted some personal opinions from a 3rd party:) thank you! And i was gonna be put 5k to 10k down on the car too from my savings! Added (1). i should also add, i do a lot of hiking and i go camping too! Read more: 2017 Honda Civic or 2017 Subaru Outback?

Is the 2013 Honda Fit with over 50k miles on its clock still reliable for a long road trip of 500 mi

Is the 2013 Honda Fit with over 50k miles on its clock still reliable for a long road trip of 500 mi - 1 Read more: Is the 2013 Honda Fit with over 50k miles on its clock still reliable for a long road trip of 500 mi

2016 Honda Civic Coupe LXP not working correctly with bluetooth?

As soon as I got the car today I turned on Bluetooth and it connected no problem, it let me play my music and use navigation through my phone. Now when I plugged my charger into the USB it used that function from their, and when I took it out and went to use the Bluetooth it kept saying "No Bluetooth connected" but in my phone it said it was connected. So when I disconnect it says on the Honda screen "iPhone disconnected" but yet when it's supposedly ON it says nothing is connected Read more: 2016 Honda Civic Coupe LXP not working correctly with bluetooth?

Is it ok to lease one care return it then go to another dealership to lease another car?

My lease on my Honda Civic is over in one year. I want to lease a Chevy Cruze next. Does this happen often? Read more: Is it ok to lease one care return it then go to another dealership to lease another car?

I have a 1996 Honda motorcycle. When I try to start it nothing happens except the oil light comes on. What does this mean. It has oil in it

I have a 1996 Honda motorcycle. When I try to start it nothing happens except the oil light comes on. What does this mean. It has oil in it Read more: I have a 1996 Honda motorcycle. When I try to start it nothing happens except the oil light comes on. What does this mean. It has oil in it

What career do I need to afford a house with a swimming pool and a new honda or kia?

I'm 23 and when I was 16 I drove a 2001 toyota echo and kids at school made fun of me. I want my future kids to have better cars. What career should I go into to be able to afford what I want? Read more: What career do I need to afford a house with a swimming pool and a new honda or kia?

Which is a better deal for first motorcycle?

Which motorcycle is a better deal in your opinion? I'll convert these numbers to USD$, i'm from another country so prices may be higher than usual US prices, this is my first motorcycle mainly for commuting to and from work, will be using for 1+ year then reselling and upgrading, I will be paying through finance, all are from dealerships. 1) 2012 kawasaki ninja 650R, 12000 km milage, 4300$ USD 2) 2014 kawasaki ninja 300, 10000km milage, 3750$ USD 3) 2015 Yamaha R3, 1000km milage, 4500$ USD 4) 2015 Honda CBR 300, 5000km milage, 3450$ USD For comparison purposes a 2016 ninja 300 new is around 5000$ USD here Thanks for the help and any other advice is well appreciated! Added (1). Just saw another bike: KTM RC 390, 4500km milage, 3850$ USD Read more: Which is a better deal for first motorcycle?

Am I in any place to ask for a lower car price when financing a new car?

My mom is getting me my first car and she has a credit score of 660. I wanted a 2016 Honda Civic coupe and on the internet price three days ago it was $19,000 then changed to 18,000 and now it's back up to 20,000. Because of my moms credit and no down payment, would we be able to negotiate the 18,000 again? Or lower? Read more: Am I in any place to ask for a lower car price when financing a new car?

How do I negotiate a car deal when I already have a preapproved car loan?

So I got preapproved for 12,000 at Navy Fed Credit Union (I only plan on spending at most 7500 of it though). Now, I know not to disclose that I'm preapproved with them to begin with, but how would I go about negotiating the price without saying that I will be paying with a loan? When exactly do I disclose to them that I have a loan to pay for the car? Basically, all in all what can I do to maximize my benefit when dealing the car I want? I also have about 2500 cash saved up that I can spend so am I also able to use that and then cover the rest with the loan? For example, I'm looking at a Honda Accord listed for 6995, can I use 2500 and pay the 4500 hundred and taxes and such with my loan? Thank you in advance (: Read more: How do I negotiate a car deal when I already have a preapproved car loan?

Driving to Cali from AZ good idea with my car?

is it good to take a Honda Pilot 07 400 miles and back from Az to Cali if it has 119,000 miles on it, patched tire, 9 month battery and alternator, fresh oil change, and timing belt? I'm scared it won't make it Read more: Driving to Cali from AZ good idea with my car?

How can a vehicle s registration/ownership be transferred to the current owner s daughter?

I have a 2007 Honda Accord, except my problem is that I do not technically own it. My dad does. That being said, my father has brain cancer and is in a specialized memory care nursing home. My legal guardianship of him, but lives halfway across the country. As my uncle is my father s guardian, he is taking care of the monthly payments on the car for now and the rest of my father s financial needs. But like I said, I would like to have legal ownership of the car so that I may be the one that takes care of tag renewals and everything that would normally go through him. I just have no clue how to go about any of this, as it is obviously not abnormal situation. Read more: How can a vehicle s registration/ownership be transferred to the current owner s daughter?

Are 2015 Honda Pilot windshields more expensive than 2016 windshields?

Are 2015 Honda Pilot windshields more expensive than 2016 windshields? - 1 Read more: Are 2015 Honda Pilot windshields more expensive than 2016 windshields?

Would my new Honda reach 200,000 miles without a problem if I skip all regular maintenance except oil change?

No spark plugs, no air filters, no fluid changes except oil & filter. Read more: Would my new Honda reach 200,000 miles without a problem if I skip all regular maintenance except oil change?

I have a honda excell power washer. It doesn't hardly any power to it. Any ideas?

I have a honda excell power washer. It doesn't hardly any power to it. Any ideas? - 1 Read more: I have a honda excell power washer. It doesn't hardly any power to it. Any ideas?

Just bought a Honda CR-V for $5000 did I overpay?

It's a 1998 with 100k miles. Read more: Just bought a Honda CR-V for $5000 did I overpay?

2003 Saturn Vue Transmission problems?

So a couple months ago I bought a 2003 Saturn Vue from a private owner and recently it has been really rough with shifting. It is an automatic but when i put it into reverse at times it won't move and sometimes when its in drive it reverses or doesn't move. Basically I always wonder if my car is going to drive when i get into it. So far turning it off and on a few times usually does the trick but i took it to get looked at and was told my transmission is bad and could give at any moment. Now it has the saturn transmission not a Honda one, and they are hard to find from what I was told and VERY expensive. I was wondering if I could contact GM or someone and get it replaced or if I could swap it out with a cheaper transmission and a better working one? Do I have any options other than getting rid of the car I just bought and love. I'm a broke college kid in the country, I need a car. Thanks Read more: 2003 Saturn Vue Transmission problems?

How do I negotiate with a car dealer when I have a preapproved loan from my bank (Navy Fed Credit Union)?

So I'm on the hunt for a car, which will be a used one, and I went to Navy Fed and got preapproved for 12,000 BUT I only want to use at most 8,000 of it for a decent car (so my monthly payment won't be too high). So how do I negotiate with a car dealer to get the maximum savin gas on my behalf? For example, I'm looking at an 07 Honda Accord Ex-l listed at 8900. Can I treat my auto loan check as cash and claim I can give them 8000 for it? Can I used what I have saved up (2,000 cash) + 6,000 dollars worth of my loan check to take the car? Thank you in advance! Read more: How do I negotiate with a car dealer when I have a preapproved loan from my bank (Navy Fed Credit Union)?

Throttle on my 2001 honda oddysey is stuck closed how do i fix this?

Throttle on my 2001 honda oddysey is stuck closed how do i fix this? Read more: Throttle on my 2001 honda oddysey is stuck closed how do i fix this?

If I buy a Honda CR-V, will I pick up more chicks?

Sexy and roomy. Read more: If I buy a Honda CR-V, will I pick up more chicks?

I have a honda vezel with Gathers vxm-145vfei head unit and I would like to know how to change the language setting to english

I have a honda vezel with Gathers vxm-145vfei head unit and I would like to know how to change the language setting to english Read more: I have a honda vezel with Gathers vxm-145vfei head unit and I would like to know how to change the language setting to english

I just bought the honda accord 2017 lx and I'm wodering can I install the LED daytime running lights and foglights

I just bought the honda accord 2017 lx and I'm wodering can I install the LED daytime running lights and foglights - 1 Read more: I just bought the honda accord 2017 lx and I'm wodering can I install the LED daytime running lights and foglights

1986 Honda 250 rsx 3 wheeler?

1986 Honda 250 rsx 3 wheeler? Read more: 1986 Honda 250 rsx 3 wheeler?

Why is Honda CR-V the #1 selling SUV in the US?

It doesn't have V6, 3rd row or tow much. Read more: Why is Honda CR-V the #1 selling SUV in the US?