Car won't start 1995 honda accord?

My mom bought a 95 honda accord off craigslist he said nothing was wrong with it… She test drived it and it drove good but we noticed a sweet smell in the car but wasnt sure if it was coolent. Anyway about a week later we noticed it started to get harder to turn the car on like it would take longer… Then the tempature would start going high but not on red but almost… About another week later it didn't start so we got a mechanic he said it was the gasket and when he was fixing that. He said the starter was bad too so we changed that also he did it for free. After he was done he turned it on and looked like it was fixed and he left. Very next morning we were going to go to the store but then the same thing happened didn't turn on… It sounds like it wants to but doesn't do that extra push to tun on. Any ideas what it could be now?

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