My radio suddenly stopped working last week while driving. I tried to power it back on, but was unable to do so. It stayed off until we got to our destination. Then serveral hours later, we started home and it powered back on. However, since then I have been unable to power it on. I checked/replaced the f10 amp fuse (radio #5), but it was not blown. I had the xm radio antenna replaced a month ago, because the garage door met the antenna box on the roof of the car while backing out of the garage and damaged it. The Honda dealer replaced it. It worked fine (XM radio, FM, AM, CD) however for several weeks until the incidnet occurred last week. Any ideas? Added (1). I just went out and checked every fuse in the cabin and the BACKUP/ACC 40 amp fuse in the engine compartment, They were all good, but after removing/re-inserting the cabin fuses, the radio now powers on? Added (2). I noticed that there was some sort of energizing noise when I re-inserted a few of these. Perhap...