Why doesn't my car restart after I turn it off?
I drive a 1996 Honda Prelude Si 2.3L. When I drive my car over 30 miles or more and park. When I try to restart the car it starts up and dies immediately. I usually have to leave it alone for about an hour or so and then it starts up again. Took it to 3 mechanics. 1st mechanic diagnosed it as a bad ECM. 2nd said it might be the ignition switch. 3rd said it was the distributor. I properly installed a rebuilt distributor from Auto Zone and the car still dies after driving for a while. If its not the distributor then what else could it be? In order of most likely to least likely
Read more: https://hondanews.net/why-doesn-t-my-car-restart-after-i-turn-it-off.html
Read more: https://hondanews.net/why-doesn-t-my-car-restart-after-i-turn-it-off.html