I question my boyfriend's finances, am I wrong for being annoyed?

My other issue is his car situation. He claimed to have a 2018 sports Subaru that he only had for a few months until his engine went out. I thought it was a bit odd strange for a brand new car to have a defect so soon. And that the replacement engine will cost $25,000.

He said money will be tight until he's able to pay off the engine.&he also needs me to do most of the driving. He lives about 35 minutes away and that drive can get tiring 5-6x a week. He'll provide gas money and offer to drive his dad's car at times too. About a month ago, he came with good news and said that the shop reduced the price to $5,000. So I thought that was great,. He claimed to be saving before so I thought he would've purchased the engine easily. It's now going into December and he says he only has $500 saved for an engine. He has an old 1990 Honda that he drives that is ALWAYS breaking down, and he says he constantly invests into that car and it now needs a $800 clutch, and he was thinking about doing that and then continuing to invest in his new car. It's like,.it is always some BS with his decision making.

Why would you invest so much money into 28 year old car that constantly have problems instead of putting that money into your brand new car that you're still paying a car note for and insurance? It's like his decision making and money management is trash. In the meantime, he's still asking me to pay for dates and do all the driving. He doesn't realize how draining it is

Read more: https://hondanews.net/i-question-my-boyfriend-s-finances-am-i-wrong-for-being.html