Can a spirit possess someone's car?

I think my car is possessed by steve Irwin or maybe another human who had been particularly gifted with animals. I myself have never been good with animals and usually a dog or cat will hiss or run from me. They never sniff my hand even though i've heard they can sniff your hand to like you.

HOWEVER, since becoming the renter of this car (honda fit, 2008) i have had five highly memorable animal expriences with this car. One: I saw three baby black bears scurry across a mountain road. Two: I saw a snake on the road Three: I saw the biggest toad of my life he was like the size of a loaf of bread. Recently Four: I saw a white barn owl perches on his wire, then Five finally i saw a fox on my way home from shopping.

should i be concerned that someone is trying to get through to the animals through my car? Am i concerned for no reason? The main reason i'm concerned is that i really don't want to hurt the animals with my car, they are always in the road whenever i see them. Please let me know if these are just coincidences or if something else is affoot. Thank you

Read more: Can a spirit possess someone's car?

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