Is it okay to be ungrateful sometimes because you don't want to owe someone back later on?

I don't want to sound selfish or anything but, I recently finished school and found a well paying job at a law firm. I have ti pay off 3 years worth of student loans.

So my dad comes in and tells me "I will pay for half of your loans", and I told him that I don't want him or my mom paying any of it because they may ask me to do something for them in the future and when I don't want to do it then they are going to be like "well I helped you pay for…".

And also recently went to a Chevy dealership to inquire about getting a car. My dad said to get a Honda so he can help put a down payment on it. I said I wanted a Chevy. Then he tells me "You're going to regret getting that car. I'm not putting a down payment on an American car". Thing is, I never asked him once to do anything.

Stuff like this has been going over for like 10 years in my family. They want me to live with the same values as them, why? Am I not my own person?

I never told them this, but sometimes I just wish I was never born. When I was a kid and teen they always scolded me for not doing things their way like going to Church, not going out to certain concerts etc…

Is it time to move out? Or should I wait until I have enough money?

PS: When I move out I probably won't tell them at all.

Read more: Is it okay to be ungrateful sometimes because you don't want to owe someone back later on?