I have my motorcycle permit does someone have to be on the bike for me to drive or can someone be in another vehicle behind me supervising?
Me and my dad are going fishing but me having been riding for 6 months or so on my Honda Shadow ace 750 want to get some more riding experience and would like to drive the bike 70 miles to San Isabel lake in Colorado from Pueblo my dad will be watching me while carrying our fishing equipment in the truck do you think an officer will have a problem with this if I do happen to be pulled over I'm 21 valid drivers licsense a motorcycle permit and of course plates and insurance and my dad is 48 with a valid drivers licsense
Read more: I have my motorcycle permit does someone have to be on the bike for me to drive or can someone be in another vehicle behind me supervising?
Read more: I have my motorcycle permit does someone have to be on the bike for me to drive or can someone be in another vehicle behind me supervising?