Why my car take 3 second start engine?
Remembering when it brand new i buy put my key on start less a second engine is on, now 4 yrs old i put my key on start sound
tuk tuk tuk take step 1.5 sec or 2 sec engine start
so… What happening
is it starter bad
is it battery low
is it alternator bad
i just replace 4 spark plug last week, and my battery is good condition when dealer check,
honda crv 14 ,
Read more: https://hondanews.net/cr-v/why-my-car-take-3-second-start-engine.html
tuk tuk tuk take step 1.5 sec or 2 sec engine start
so… What happening
is it starter bad
is it battery low
is it alternator bad
i just replace 4 spark plug last week, and my battery is good condition when dealer check,
honda crv 14 ,
Read more: https://hondanews.net/cr-v/why-my-car-take-3-second-start-engine.html