Should I at least try a fluid flush on this transmission?

I'm not a transmission guy. Let's just get that outta the way first. I bought a 2002 Honda Accord that the lady said needed a transmission. In the trunk were dozens of empty fluid bottles, I forget what kind they were but I specifically remember they weren't what it called for. The fluid looks very bad but the transmission does NOT slip. The problem it has is that it has to be shifted manually, like stop, shift down into 1, 2, d3, d4 etc. Otherwise it tries to start out in 4th which is where I would assume the burnt fluid came in to play. I removed the shift solenoids and cleaned them, and it drove perfect for about 5 minutes. The transmission shop here in town said it's shot, and he wouldn't do a flush on it, but I think if I flush it and maybe replace those solenoids, it would last at least until I'm in a better financial spot to actually fix it. Should I try, or is he right by saying not to bother with it?

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