Qurstions related to english?
Indicate whether each of the following sentence pairs expresses the same or different prepositions?
a) Mary read the book/ The book was read by Mary.
b ) Fred took back the book/ Fred took the book back.
c ) The cat chased the rat/ The cat was chased by the rat
d) The chef cooked the meal/ The chef had the meal cooked
e ) Hondas are easy to fix / It is easy to fix Hondas.
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Read more: https://hondanews.net/qurstions-related-to-english.html
a) Mary read the book/ The book was read by Mary.
b ) Fred took back the book/ Fred took the book back.
c ) The cat chased the rat/ The cat was chased by the rat
d) The chef cooked the meal/ The chef had the meal cooked
e ) Hondas are easy to fix / It is easy to fix Hondas.
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Read more: https://hondanews.net/qurstions-related-to-english.html