Dealership wrecked my car what should I do?

I dropped my 2005 Honda Accord off at the Dealership to fix the "Check Engine" light--found out that the light just needed to be reset.
But then, in the process of fixing the light the Dealership wrecked my car. They gave me a rental car and replaced my bumper.
I did not take pictures of the damages but asked to have pictures sent to my email --just wanted the bumper repaired because according to the Dealership that was the only damage. (Dealership gave me $60 off my $250 bill) :(
But now… 2 weeks later I notice that near the bottom on my door are 3 outward dings like they had to push out a dent; also, the rubber piece that goes along the door, above the "dings", was painted black with a small "paint brush" trying to cover the white paint that was also on my bumper when it was hit.
What should be my next step and what should I request as compensation? Should I start with asking for the paper work and pictures sent to the insurance co and the collision company? What about compensation?
Added (1). The Dealership wrecked my car and lied about how much damage was done, what should I do?

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