Buying a new car with credit cards instead of car loan?

Say that someone wanted to buy a 25'000 dollar new car, such as a Honda Civic or a Toyota Corolla.

The person has a couple of high limit credit cards with no balance.

Could it be beneficial to buy the car outright with the credit cards as opposed to dealer financing?

Because I see 3 benefits of this.

1. The minimum monthly payments on the credit card will likely be significantly lower than a monthly car payment.

2. If you fall into any financial difficilty and default on payments, no one can repossess your car.

3. On a more unrelated note, if you don't plan on buying anything on credit for the next several years, you could pay on the credit cards for six months or so, then declare bankruptcy, and you've got yourself a brand new car for about a thousand bucks spent.

Are there any cons to go with the pros?

Read more: Buying a new car with credit cards instead of car loan?