Nearly positive a neighbor hit my parked car leaving a few scratches?
What do I do? I live on a dead end wth very few houses and cars parked. My car is grey and there's white paint on my car. While the scratch is not AWFUL, I want it fixed as it is not my fault. There are a few white cars on the street but I can't figure out whose it would be and no one left a note (obviously) I'm 20 and don't have the funds to pay a few hundred to get my car fixed but I don't want scratches there obviously.
Also how much do you think to fix this?
2009 Honda Civic
Read more: Nearly positive a neighbor hit my parked car leaving a few scratches?
Also how much do you think to fix this?
2009 Honda Civic
Read more: Nearly positive a neighbor hit my parked car leaving a few scratches?