If you purchase extra warranty on a new car can you remove it and have your money return?

i just purchase a new car but turns out that i purchase like 6000 extra warranty on i am not sure what exactly did they sold me but the price of the car is 21847.00 and with taxes it adds up to 23000 PLUS BUT i got my statement turns out that i owe 29800.00 now this is like 2 months ago that i bought the car any advice on how to remove whatever extra warranty they sold me they did not even gave me any paper work i am not even sure what it is for because i was really upset when we were buying the car because i did not want it but my husband did thats the reason why we got it if you have any info can you please let me know. This is a honda new car


Read more: If you purchase extra warranty on a new car can you remove it and have your money return?